Power Rankings: Ransomware Malicious Quartile First-Half 2023

Written by
Anthony M. Freed
Published on
Oct 3, 2023

More than 2,300 organizations succumbed to ransomware attacks in just the first half of 2023, with the vast majority carried out by only three ransomware operators: LockBit (35.3%), BlackCat//ALPHV (14.2%), and Cl0p (11.9%).  

Overall, ransomware attacks were up 74% in Q2-2023 over Q1. Ransomware attacks continue to be extremely lucrative, with ransom demands and recovery costs bleeding victim organizations for millions of dollars.  

RaaS operators and other data extortion attackers are developing custom tooling and implementing novel evasion techniques into their payloads designed to evade or completely circumvent traditional endpoint protection solutions.

Ransomware operators are expanding their addressable target range with additional Linux variants emerging, as well as one of the first viable variants targeting macOS.

Furthermore, ransomware attacks are creating liability issues and intellectual property loss for organizations as attackers focus on the exfiltration of sensitive data prior to delivering the ransomware payload.

Key Highlights for First-Half 2023

The Halcyon team of ransomware experts publish a quarterly RaaS and extortion group power ranking guide as a quick reference. The Q2-2023 report is available here: Power Rankings: Ransomware Malicious Quartile Q2 2023 (PDF).

General Trends

Some interesting trends emerged in the first half of 2023, evidence that ransomware operators are investing heavily in development and are improving operational efficiencies through automation:


Operators continue to invest in new tooling:


Attackers continue to innovate their tactics:

Enforcement Actions

The first half of 2023 brought some scattered enforcement actions, arrests and indictments of affiliates and other low-level threat actors in the ransomware arena, including:

The Takeaway

Ransomware attacks continue to be extremely lucrative, with ransom demands and recovery costs bleeding victim organizations for millions of dollars. Overall, law enforcement has had very little impact though in regard to disrupting ransomware operations.  

The one thing that the most notorious ransomware gangs have in common are their ties to Russia, with the majority closely aligned – if not directly controlled – by the Russian government and its intelligence apparatus.

The increasing overlap of cybercriminal activity with nation-state-supported operations conveniently allows for plausible deniability for Russia, allowing them to distance themselves while still being instrumental in attacks.

Using ransomware gangs as a proxy to conduct attacks and thwart attribution is the strategy here. This is one of the key reasons cyber operations have become such an important aspect of larger geopolitical issues – because attribution is hard.

The US and allied governments are in a tough position regarding what actions to take to stem this wave of ransomware attacks, namely because there is so much ambiguity in determining root attribution for the attacks.  

Even when ransomware operators are arrested, there is someone to take their place quickly. Ultimately, it's the Russian government that is both providing safe harbor for most of the criminal elements conducting ransomware attacks.

Until the US government directly sanctions Russia for their direct and/or tacit support of ransomware and data extortion operations, we will not see attacks subside any time soon.  

It's only a matter of time before we see another massively disruptive attack against a critical infrastructure target, and by then it will be too late to act.

Halcyon.ai is the industry’s first dedicated, adaptive security platform that combines multiple advanced proprietary prevention engines along with AI models focused specifically on stopping ransomware – talk to a Halcyon expert today to find out more. And check out the Recent Ransomware Attacks resource site to get near real-time tracking of ransomware attacks, threat actor groups and their victims.

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