Ransomware Statistics

The rapid growth of ransomware attacks has made this cyber threat a top concern for organizations worldwide. Below you can dive into the aggregated ransomware metrics to discover the reality of operational and financial impacts that companies are facing from this massive problem. While cybersecurity is a broad and massive industry, we’ve done our best to compile the data below from leading sources across the industry.

What is the average  cost of a ransomware attack?

Cost of Attacks

Ransomware attacks continue to pose significant financial threats to businesses of all sizes. The immediate costs are clear, but there are often additional financial implications that are not immediately apparent. The expenses range from paying a ransom, paying a mediator, potential legal fees, incident response, data recovery, and bolstering security measures to prevent future attacks.

Almost one-third of SMBs faced $10,000–$50,000 in ransom costs.

How do I respond to a ransomware attack?

Response to Attacks

When ransomware strikes, the response effectiveness can significantly impact an organization’s ability to recover. For example, law enforcement involvement has shown to help reduce the total time and cost to contain a breach. Additionally, the automation of response workflows also contributes to faster containment of ransomware attacks.

How often do ransomware attacks happen?

Frequency and Identification of Attacks

The frequency of ransomware attacks presents an alarming picture of the cybersecurity landscape. The data shows a substantial number of organizations falling victim to ransomware attacks with an increased incidence of intrusions. Despite this, there is a decrease in successful detection which raises concerns about the evolving sophistication of ransomware strains

Specifics of Attacks

The specifics surrounding ransomware attacks provide a glimpse into the operational tactics of threat actors. Varied ransom demands, duration of attacks, and the proliferation of ransomware strains indicate a constantly evolving threat landscape. The details highlight the need for robust security measures and ongoing vigilance to stop these threats.

*60 days was the longest amount of time between ransomware operators posting public ransom notes and the set deadline for victim payment, for an attack against an automotive and manufacturing company by the Conti gang in March 2022. The shortest amount of time was 14 hours, as observed in 2 attacks that used LockBit ransomware; the average amount of time was approximately 10 days.

What are some recent trends in ransomware?

Trends in Ransomware

The evolving trends in ransomware highlight the rising threat posed by these malicious software attacks. With a clear uptick in activity and a notable decline in the detection rate, organizations face an uphill battle in securing their enterprise. Leadership’s perceived readiness versus the reality of organizational preparedness reflects a wide gap worthy of addressing.

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With ransomware attacks and ransom payments seeing an upward trend in recent and coming years, it is wise to invest and upgrade your cybersecurity solutions as soon as possible. Get a demo of the Halcyon Platform and see how it is built with failure in mind, every step of the way.