Service Level Agreement

Halcyon Service Level Agreement and System Assurances

Working with Halcyon | Updated 09/2023

The use of (“Website”) is governed by our Hyperlink Disclaimer, Informational Content Disclaimer, Privacy Notice, and Terms of Use. By using this Website, you acknowledge that you have read these disclaimers and policies and that you accept and will be bound by their terms.

Hyperlink Disclaimer: The Halcyon Tech, Inc. Website may contain hyperlinks to other Internet sites not under the editorial control of Halcyon Tech, Inc. These hyperlinks are not express or implied endorsements or approvals by Halcyon Tech, Inc., of any products, services, or information available from these sites.


Halcyon commits to making all reasonable efforts in ensuring a 99% Protection Uptime of all Scheduled Availability.


A) Protection Uptime is defined as the percentage of the time that protection mechanisms provided by the platform are operational and functional to the established policy.

  1. Protection Uptime is not dependent on the Cloud Availability in AWS.
  2. Halcyon’s Cyber Resilience Agent(s) can protect endpoint(s) due to local models.
  3. Halcyon’s Cyber Resilience Agent(s) will initiate a heartbeat every 300 seconds to see if there are available updates (Model, Version, etc.).

B) Allowable Downtime Periods are defined as:

  1. Daily: 14m 24s
  2. Weekly: 1h 40m 48s
  3. Monthly: 7h 14m 41s
  4. Quarterly: 21h 44m 4.4s
  5. Yearly: 3d 14h 56m 18s

C) Excluding any downtime resulting from or in connection with: (i) any unauthorized use of the service by Customer, (ii) Customer’s vendor(s), service providers, or any third party connections, utilities, or equipment; (iii) scheduled maintenance; (iv) any conditions beyond Halcyon’s reasonable control, including but not limited to DDoS attacks, internet outages or outages in connection with Customer’s network or internet access; or (v) any Amazon Web Services downtime or scheduled maintenance. All scheduled maintenance will be conducted following at least 48 hours advance notice.

D) Downtime shall mean a failure to access the Service.

Issue Resolution  

All requests by the Customer for issue resolution will be logged through the Halcyon Customer Support portal. Halcyon will perform an initial review and determine as far as reasonably practical the source of any problem which may have led to the support request. Halcyon will respond to support requests according to the priority levels specified in the table below. Halcyon will determine, in its sole discretion, the applicable priority and all response times shall commence at the beginning of the next business day for requests for problem resolution that are logged during non-business hours, unless otherwise specified herein.

Support  Hours: 9am to 7pm CST

Initial  Response Times:

  • P1-Critical:  < 2 hr
  • P2-High: < 4 hr
  • P3-Medium: < 12 hr
  • P4-Informational: < 24  hr

Email  Support: Yes

Portal &  KB Support: Yes

Phone  Support: Yes

Proactive  Support: Yes

Early Entry  Access To Beta Releases: Yes

Access To Technical Tools & Communities: Yes

Issue Severity

Initial response time is prioritized based on the issue severity. Critical severity issues must be opened via Phone for Initial Response Time Objectives to apply.

P1 - Critical: Product functionality completely degraded – critical impact to business operations

Agent or related software are completely inoperable and no known work-around currently exists; Customer production is completely stopped or severely degraded.

P2 - High: Product functionality severely degraded – severe impact to business operations

Agent or related software is significantly impacted and no known work-around currently exists; Customer production is severely impacted.

P3 - Medium: General errors/issues – product impaired however business operations remain functional.

Agent or related software is not working as designed; however, customer production is not currently impacted.

P4 - Informational: Basic information or assistance with products – little to no impact on business operations

Low to no impact to Customer production. Generally, relates to product questions or feature requests.


This section provides a comprehensive description of system assurances for the Customer’s benefit.


  • Data stored in our system is encrypted at rest and during transmission using standard protocols and algorithms.
  • All services and applications, proprietary and 3rd party, are checked against vulnerabilities on a periodic basis.
  • The software supply chain and build processes are scanned for vulnerabilities, including vulnerabilities on dependent components on a periodic basis.
  • All our infrastructure is being monitored for vulnerabilities regularly including Surface Area, Web Applications and Operating Systems.
  • Operating Systems and 3rd-party applications are patched on a regular basis, keeping systems up to date with the latest patches within one week of being released.


  • Code produced in house is tested thoroughly to make sure functionality is aligned with the specifications using industry standards.
  • Applications built in house are lab tested and analyzed dynamically in a similar environment to production to ensure alignment with functional specifications and limitations.
  • The platform is tested for resiliency on a regular basis to make sure our services function up to expectations.